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Building Complete Athletes

Understanding how the mind influences athletic performance.

How Does Mental Performance Coaching Help Young Athletes?

Mental Performance Coaching helps athletes understand how their mind influences performance and how to apply mental strategies to help perform their best in competition. The goal is to improve performance by learning how to have proactive confidence and trust in your skills. Learning these skills will also help athletes feel confident in other areas of their life. Athletes will be encouraged to transfer skills learned in Mental Performance Coaching sessions to the classroom, relationships, and other areas of their life where the skills are applicable.

Online Training Programs Individualized Sessions Resources to Use at Home

Mental Performance Coaching

Whatever their goals, we help give your childĀ the mental edge they need for success!

About Our Trainers

Our Mental Performance Coaches have degrees in Sports Psychology, Psychology/Counseling, Clinical Psychology, and Sports Psychology. Our coaches have various levels of sport experience and all have participated in collegiate sports.

Emily Marcinowski, M.A., LPC

Carlie Grandjean M.A., LPC

Abbie Ainslie, M.S.

Frances Bull, M.A.

Braden Bova, M.S.

Michael O'Brien, M.Ed

Are You Ready to Get the Edge?


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